The Tuffy® II buoyancy level switches are float-actuated devices designed for horizontal mounting in a tank or vessel through threaded or flanged pipe connections. The compact size allows for installation in small vessels, while its many features provide a variety of application uses. The single switch mechanism is available in SPDT or DPDT forms on units designed for fixed or adjustable, narrow or wide differential and interface service levels.
- Chemical injection
- Chemical injection skids
- Deionization tanks
- Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG) – Power/Utilities
- Neutralization
- Seal pots – liquid level measurement
- Level: Lubrication oils & hydraulic fluids
- Level: Seal Pots
- Chemical injection
- Crude stabilization – degassing
- Process & Field storage tanks
- Vapor recovery unit
- Chemical injection
- Chemical injection skids
- Gas Dehydration
- Vapor recovery unit
- Cooling tower basins
- Condensate drip legs
- Condensate receiver tanks
- Condensate storage
- Cooling tower basins
- Deionization tanks
- Flash tanks
- Fuel oil storage
- Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG) – Power/Utilities
- Black, green & white liquor
- Chlorine Dioxide Generators
- Condensate receiver tanks
- Biofuel
- Biogas
- Geothermal